Operating System MCQ | Savitribai Public University Operating System MCQ | SPPU Operating System MCQ
Operating System MCQ form Nirali Prakashan Book
Chapter 1 : Introduction to Operating system
1. Which of the
following is not an operating system?
A) Windows
B) Linux
C) DB2
Answer: C) DB2
2. What is meant by
A)I a software
B) Restarting computer
C) Scanning Program
D) Turn Off Computer
Answer: B) restarting
3. Which is the Linux
operating system?
A) Private operating
B) Windows operating
C) Open-source operating system
D) None of these
Answer: C) Open-source operating system
4. Which is single
user single tasking operating system?
A) Windows
B) Linux
C) Dos
D) Mac OS
Answer: C) Dos
5. To access services
of operating system, the interface provided is______.
C) System calls
D) High level instructions
Answer: C) System
6. Spooling stands
A) Simultaneous
peripheral Operating Online
B) Spontaneous
Peripheral Operating Online
C) Serial Peripheral
Operating Online
D) None of the above
Answer: A)
Simultaneous peripheral Operating Online
Chapter 2 : System Structure
1. In Layered
operating system which is the highest level?
A) Hardware
B) User Interface
C) Kernel
D) None of Above
Answer: B) User
2. What is the
another name used for command line interpreter?
A) Shell
B) Kernel
C) Command
D) Prompt
Answer: C) Command
3. Which system call
is used for creating a file?
A) Read
B) Write
C) Open
D) Close
Answer: C) Open
4. Which system call
does not return control to calling point, on termination?
A) fork
B) exec
C) wait
D) exit
Answer: B) exec
5. A fork system call
will fail if_____.
A) The previously
executed statement is also fork call
B) The limit on
maximum no of processes in system would be executed
C) The limit on
minimum no of processes in system that can under execution
D) All of the above
Answer: B) The limit
on maximum no of processes in system would be executed
Chapter : 3 Process Management
1. A process is more
than program code, which is sometimes known as _____.
A) text section
B) contents of
processor registers
C) stack
D) Data Section
Answer: A) text
2. When process gets
executes it changes its state, the process may be in one following states.
1. New 2. Running 3. Waiting
4. Ready 5. Terminated
A) 1,2
B) 1,2,4
C) 1,2,3
D) 1,2,3,4,5
Answer: D) 1,2,3,4,5
3. In operating
system each process is represented by ____.
A) ready
B) Running
C) Waiting
D) Terminated
Answer: C) Waiting
4. In operating
system each process is represented by
A) Print dialog box
B) process control
C) Program control
D) Process Command
Answer: B) process
control Block
5. The address of
next instruction to be executed for the current process is stored in ____.
A) CPU registers
B) Progress registers
C) Stack pointers
D) Program counter
Answer: D) Program
6. The objective of
multiprogramming is _____.
1. To have running
some processes all the time 2. To
execute single process at a time
3. To minimize the
CPU utilization 4.
To maximize the CPU utilization
A) 1,2
B) 1,3
C) 1,4
D) none of above
Answer: C) 1,4
7. The process which
is ready to execute and residing in main memory is kept in _____.
A) device queue
B) processor queue
C) ready queue
D) job queue
Answer: C) ready
8. Which among
following is true for short term scheduler?
1. Select from among
the processes that are ready to execute and allocate CPU to them.
2. Select process
from mass storage device and loads them into memory for execution.
3. Short term
scheduler must select new process for CPU
4. It executes less
A) 1 only
B) 2 and 3 only
C) 1,2,4 only
D) 1,3
Answer: D) 1,3
9. Copying process
form memory to disk to allow space for other process is called
A) Deadlock
B) swapping
C) shifting
D) copying
Answer: B) swapping
10. PCB does not
contain following_____.
A) code
B) stack
C) data
D) bootstrap program
Answer: D) bootstrap
11. Which of the
following is used as synchronization tool?
A) thread
B) pipe
C) semaphore
D) socket
Answer: C) semaphore
12. Which of the
following is not a scheduler type?
A) short term
B) medium term
C) block scheduler
D) long term
Answer: C) block
Chapter 4 : CPU Scheduling
1. Process in main memory which is ready and
waiting to execute is kept in ____.
A) process queue
B) ready queue
C) schedule
D) dispatcher
Answer: B) ready
2. The time interval
from time of submission of a process to completing of time is called as____.
A) completion time
B) turnaround time
C) waiting time
D) none of above
Answer: B) turnaround
3. The unit of
measurement of work of CPU is called as _____.
A) latency
B) delay
C) throughput
D) context switch
Answer: C) throughput
4. In priority scheduling the process is
allocated with _____.
A) low priority
B) high priority
C) equal priority
D) extra priority
Answer: B) high
5. which scheduling
technique applies time quantum?
C) Round Robin
D) Priority
Answer: C) Round
6. In multilevel
feedback queue algorithm ____.
A) a process can move
to different classified ready queue
B) processes are a
not classified into different groups
C) classification of
ready queue is not permanent
D) process is upgraded
Answer: A) a process
can move to different classified ready queue
Chapter 5 : Process Synchronization
1. Which of the
following processes can get affected by other process executing in the system?
A) child process
B) parent Process
C) independent
D) co operating process
Answer: D) co operating process
2. When process is
executing in critical section, no there process can execute in critical
section, this condition is called?
A) Critical section
B) Logical Section
C) Mutual Exclusion
D) Non mutual exclusion
Answer: C) Mutual
3. Amongst the following
which can be considered as synchronization tool?
A) Socket
B) mutex
C) semaphore
D) thread
Answer: C) semaphore
4. Select the Correct
statement regarding mutex lock to prevent race condition.
I. A process must
acquire the lock before entering critical section.
II. A process need to
acquire the lock before entering critical section.
III. It releases the
lock when it exits the critical section.
IV. A process must
acquire the lock when it exits critical section.
A) 1,4
B) 2,4
C) 2,3
D) 1,3
Answer: D) 1,3
5. In the spinlocks _____.
A) no context switch
is required when a process must wait on a lock
B) lock are exected
to be held for short times
C) employed on
multiprocessor systems
D) all of above
Answer: D) all of above
6. In definite blocking
or starvation is problem related with _____.
A) mutex locks
B) deadlocks
C) spinlocks
D) none of the above
Answer: B) deadlocks
7. Which of the
following is not classical problem of synchronization?
A) reader writer
B) bounder buffer problem
C) dining philosopher
D) customer employer problem
Answer: D) customer employer problem
8. A semaphore is a
shared integer variable that can not.____
A) go beyond zero
B) more than zero
C) it can not more than 1
D) none of above
Answer: A) go beyond
9. Process
synchronization can be done with following levels.
A) hardware
B) software
C) both
D) none of above
Answer: C) both
10. Deadlock can be
avoided by ______.
A) resource
allocation must be done at once
B) there must be
fixed number of resources to allocate
C) all deadlocked processes must be aborted
D) inversion technique can be used
Answer: B) there must
be fixed number of resources to allocate
11. Which is not part
of critical section?
A) Entry section
B) Critical section
C) Exit Section
D) Waiting Section
Answer: D) Waiting Section
Chapter 6 : Deadlock
1. What is a reusable
A) that can be used
by one process at a time and is not depleted by that use.
B) that can be used
by more than one process at a time.
C) that can be shared
between various threads.
D) none of the mentioned.
Answer: A) that can
be used by one process at a time and is not depleted by that use.
2. Which of the
following condition is required for a deadlock to be possible?
A) mutual exclusion
B) a process may hold
allocated resources while awaiting assignment of other resources.
C) no resource can be
forcibly removed from a process holding it.
D) all of
the mentioned.
Answer: D) all of the mentioned.
3. A system is in the
safe state if____.
A) The system can
allocate resources to each process in some order and still avoid a deadlock.
B) there exist a safe sequence.
C) all of the mentioned
D) none of the mentioned
Answer: A) The system
can allocate resources to each process in some order and still avoid a
4. The Circular wait
condition can be prevented by ____.
A) defining a linear
ordering of resource types
B) using thread
C) all of the
D) all of the mentioned
Answer: A) defining a
linear ordering of resource types
5. Which one of the
following is the deadlock avoidance algorithm?
A) banker’s algorithm
B) round-robin
C) elevator algorithm
D) Karn’s algorithm
Answer: A) banker’s
6. What is the
drawback of banker’s algorithm?
A) in advance
processes rarely know how much resource they will need.
B) the number of
processes changes as time progresses.
C) resource one
available can disappear.
D) all of the mentioned.
Answer: D) all of the mentioned.
7. For an effective
operating system, When to check for deadlock?
A) every time a
resource request is made.
B) at fixed time
C) every time a
resource request is made at fixed time intervals.
D) none of the mentioned
Answer: C) every time
a resource request is made at fixed time intervals.
8. A problem
encountered in multitasking when a process is perpetually denied necessary
resources is called.
A) deadlock
B) starvation
C) inversion
D) aging
Answer: B) starvation
9. which one of the
following is a visual(mathematical) way to determine the deadlock occurrence?
A) resource
allocation graph
B) starvation graph
C) inversion graph
D) none of the mentioned
Answer: A) resource
allocation graph
10. To avoid
A) there must be a
fixed number of resources to allocate.
B) resources allocation must be done only once.
C) all deadlocked
processes must be aborted.
D) in version technique can be used.
Answer: A) there must
be a fixed number of resources to allocate.
Chapter 7 : Memory Management
1. In which of the
following page replacement policies Belady’s anomaly occurs?
D) program status word
Answer: A) FIFO
2. _________
allocates the largest hole(Free fragment) available in the memory.
A) Best fit
B) Worse Fit
C) First Fit
D) None of the above
Answer: B) Worse Fit
3. Which one of the
following is the address generated by CPU?
A) physical address
B) absolute address
C) logical address
D) none of the mentioned
Answer: C) logical
4. Run time mapping
form virtual to physical address is done by _____.
A) Memory management
D) None of the mentioned
Answer: A) Memory
management unit
5. Memory management
technique in which system store and retrieves data form secondary storage for
use in main memory is called?
A) fragmentation
B) Paging
C) mapping
D) None of the mentioned
Answer: B) Paging
6. The address of the
a page table in memory is pointed by ____.
A) stack pointer
B) page table base
C) page register
D) program counter
Answer: B) page table
base register
7. program always
deals with_____.
A) logical address
B) absolute address
C) physical address
D) relative address
Answer: A) logical
8. The page table
contains ______.
A) base address of
each page in physical memory
B) page offset
C) page size
D) none of the mentioned
Answer: A) base
address of each page in physical memory
9. What is compaction?
A) a technique for
overcoming internal fragmentation.
B) a paging
C) a technique for
overcoming external fragmentation.
D) a technique for overcoming fatal error.
Answer: C) a
technique for overcoming external fragmentation.
10. Operating System
maintains the page table for______.
A) each process
B) each thread
C) each instruction
D) each address
Answer: A) each
Chapter 8 : File System
1. ______ is a unique
tag usually a number identifies the file within the file system.
A) File identifier
B) File name
C) File type
D) None of the mentioned
Answer: A) File identifier
2. To create a file
A) allocate the space
in file system
B) make an entry for
new file in directory
C) allocate the space
in file system & make an entry for new file in directory
D) none of the mentioned
Answer: C) allocate
the space in file system & make an entry for new file in directory
3. By using the
specific system call, we can
A) open the file
B) read the file
C) Write into the
D) all of the mentioned
Answer: D) all of the mentioned
4. File type can be
represented by _____
A) File name
B) File extension
C) File identifier
D) None of the mentioned
Answer: B) File
5. Which file is a
sequence of bytes organized into blocks understandable by the system’s linker?
A) Object File
B) Source File
C) Executable file
D) text File
Answer: A) Object
6. What is the
mounting of file system?
A) Creating of a file
B) Deleting a file
C) attaching portion
of the file system into a directory structure.
D) Removing the portion of the file system into
a directory structure.
Answer: C) attaching
portion of the file system into a directory structure.
7. Which one of the
following explains the sequential file access method?
A) random access
according to the given byte number.
B) read bytes one at
a time, in order.
C) read/write
sequentially by record.
D) read/write randomly by record.
Answer: B) read bytes
one at a time, in order.
8. When one of the
following explains the sequential file access method?
A) unused space or
single file are not contiguous
B) used space is not
C) unused space is
D) multiple file are non-contiguous.
Answer: A) unused
space or single file are not contiguous
9. The larger the
block size, the_____ the internal
A) greater
B) lesser
C) same
D) none of the mentioned
Answer: A) greater
10. In the sequential
access method, information in the file is processed.____.
A) One disk after the
other, record access does not matter.
B) one record after
the other.
C) one text document
after the other.
D) none of the mentioned.
Answer: B) one record
after the other.
11. sequential access
method ____ On random access devices.
A) works well
B) does not work well
C) maybe works well
and does not work well
D) none of the mentioned
Answer: A) works well
12. The direct access
method is based on a____ model of a file, as ____ allow random access to any
file block.
A) magnetic type,
magnetic tapes
B) tape, tapes
C) disk, disks
D) all of the mentioned
Answer: C) disk,
13. For a direct
access file_____.
A) there are
restrictions on the order of reading and writing.
B) there are no
restrictions on the other of reading and writing.
C) Access is
restricted permission wise.
D) Access is not restricted permission wise.
Answer: B) there are
no restrictions on the other of reading and writing.
14. A relative block
number is an index relative to_____.
A) the beginning of
the file
B) the end of the
C) the last written
position in file
D) none of the mentioned
Answer: A) the
beginning of the file
15. The index
A) name of all
contents of file
B) pointers to each
C) pointers to the
various blocks
D) all of the mentioned
Answer: C) pointers
to the various blocks
16. For large files,
when the index itself becomes too large to be kept in memory?
A) index is called
B) an index is
created for the index file
C) Secondary index
files are created
D) all of the mentioned
Answer: B) an index
is created for the index file
Chapter 9 : I/O System
1. Buffering is done
to _________.
A) cope with device
speed mismatch
B) cope with device
transfer size mismatch
C) maintain copy
D) all of the mentioned
Answer: D) all of the mentioned
2. Caching is _____
A) same as
B) not the same as
C) all of the
D) none of the mentioned
Answer: B) not the
same as
3. Caching ____.
A) holds a copy of
the data
B) is fast memory
C) holds the only
copy of the data
D) holds output for a device
Answer: A) holds a
copy of the data
4. Spooling_____.
A) holds a copy of
the data
B) is fast memory
C) holds the only
copy of the data
D) holds output for a device
Answer: C) holds the
only copy of the data
5. The ___ keeps
state information about the use of I/O components.
C) kernel
D) shell
Answer: C) kernel
6. The kernel data
structures include _____.
A) process table
B) Open file table
C) close file table
D) all of the mentioned
Answer: B) Open file
7. Windows NT uses
a____ implementation for I/O.
A) message – passing
B) draft-passing
C) secondary memory
D) cache
Answer: A) message –
8. A_____ is a full
duplex connection between a device driver and a user level process.
A) Bus
B) I/O operation
C) Stream
D) Flow
Answer: C) Stream
9. I/O is a________
in system performance.
A) major factor
B) minor factor
C) does not matter
D) none of the mentioned
Answer: A) major
10. If the number of
cycles spend busy-waiting is not excessive, then____.
A) interrupt driven
I/O is more efficient then programmed I/O.
B) Programmed I/O
more efficient then interrupt driven I/O.
C) both programmed
and interrupt driven I/O are equally efficient
D) none of the mentioned.
Answer: B) Programmed
I/O more efficient then interrupt driven I/O.
11. Whenever a
process needs I/O to or from a disk, it issues a ____.
A) system call to the
B) system call to the
operating system
C) a special
D) all of the mentioned.
Answer: B) system
call to the operating system
12. If a process
needs I/O to or from a disk, and if the drive or controller is busy then ___.
A) the request will
be placed in the queue of pending requests for the drive
B) the request will
not be processed and will be ignored completely.
C) the request will
be not be placed.
D) none of the mentioned.
Answer: A) the
request will be placed in the queue of pending requests for the drive
13.consider a disk
queue with request for I/O to blocks on cylinders.
98 183 37 122 14 124
65 67
FCFS(first cum first served) scheduling, the total number of head movemets is,
if the disk head is initially at 53 is?
A) 600
B) 620
C) 630
D) 640
Answer: D) 640
14. Consider a disk
queue with requests for I/O to blocks on cylinders.
98 183 37 122 14 124
65 67
SSTF(shortest seek time first) scheduling, the total number of head movements
is, if the disk head is initially at 53 is____.
A) 224
B) 236
C) 245
D) 240
Answer: B) 236
15. Random access in
magnetic tapes is ___ compared to magnetic disks.
A) fast
B) very fast
C) slow
D) very slow
Answer: D) very slow
16.Magnetic tape
drives can write data at a speed _____ disk drives.
A) must lesser then
B) comparable to
C) much faster than
D) none of the mentioned
Answer: B) comparable
17. On media that use
constant linear velocity (CLV), the ____ is uniform
A) density of bits on
the disk
B) density of bits
per sector
C) the density of
bits per track
D) none of the mentioned
Answer: C) the
density of bits per track
18. SSTF algorithm,
like SJF ___ of some requests.
A) many cause
B) will cause
C) does not cause
D) causes aging
Answer: A) many cause
19. In the ___
algorithm, the disk head moves from one end to the disk and moves toward the
other end, servicing requests till the other end of the disk. At the other end,
the direction is reversed and servicing continues.
A) Look
Answer: B) SCAN
20. In the ____ algorithm,
the disk head moves from one end to the other, servicing requests along the
way. When the head reaches the other end, it immediately returns to the
beginning of the disk without servicing any requests on the return trip.
A) Look
Answer: C) C-SCAN
21. In the ___
algorithm, the disk arm goes as far as the final request in each direction,
then reverses direction immediately without going to the end of the disk.
A) Look
Answer: A) Look

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