Vector and List in R programming | R Programming Solved Assignment

Assignment 4: Vector and List in R programming

Assignment 4: Vector and List in R programming

1. Write a R program to create a vector of a specified type and length. Create vector of numeric, complex, logical and character types of length 6.

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2. Write a R program to add, multiply and divide two vectors of integers type and length 3. 

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3. Write a R program to create a list containing strings, numbers, vectors and a logical values. 

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4. Write a R program to list containing a vector, a matrix and a list and give names to the elements in the list. Access the first and second element of the list.

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1. Write an R program to sort a Vector in ascending and descending order.

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2. Write an R program to find Sum, Mean and Product of a Vector.

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3. Write a R program to sort a Vector in ascending and descending order.

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4. Create a list containing a four vectors and give names to the elements in the list

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5. Write a R program to merge two given lists into one list.


6. Write a R program to convert a given list to vector.

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7. Write a R program to create a list named s containing sequence of 15 capital letters, starting from ā€˜Eā€™.

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1. Write a R program to find all elements of a given list that are not in another given list.

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2. Write a R program to extract all elements except the third element of the first vector of a given list.

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3. Write a script in R to create a list of cities and perform the following

1) Give names to the elements in the list.

2) Add an element at the end of the list.

3) Remove the last element.

4) Update the 3rd Element

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4. Write a script in R to create a list of students and perform the following

a. Give names to the students in the list.

b. Add a student at the end of the list.

c. Remove the first Student.

d. Update the second last student.


5. Write a script in R to create a vector of numbers and perform the following

a. Search for specific element 

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b. Count the occurrences of specific element

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c. Access the last element of given vector

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1. Write a R program to extract every nth element of a given vector.

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2. Write a R program to select second element of a given nested list.

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Vector and List in R programming | R Programming Solved Assignment Vector and List in R programming  | R Programming Solved Assignment Reviewed by technical_saurabh on February 23, 2021 Rating: 5

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