Advance Java / Dot Net Framework

Savitribai Phule Pune University T.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.) Semester – VI (CBCS 2019 Pattern) University Practical Examination Lab Course: (CA-606) Computer Laboratory Based on 603, 604 Advanced Java, Android / Dot Net Framework


Slip: 1


Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a java program to scroll the text from left to right and vice versa continuously.

B) Write a socket program in java for chatting application.(Use Swing)


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a VB.Net Program to display the numbers continuously in TextBox by

clicking on Button.

B) Write a VB.Net program to accept the details of Employee (ENO, EName Salary)

and store it into the database and display it on gridview control.



Slip: 2

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a JSP program to check whether given number is Perfect or not. (Use Include


B) Write a java program in multithreading using applet for drawing flag.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a Vb.Net program to move the Text “Pune University” continuously from Left

 to Right and Vice Versa.

B)Write a C#.Net program to create a base class Department and derived classes Sales and

Human Resource. Accept the details of both departments and display them in proper


Slip: 3

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a socket program in Java to check whether given number is prime or not.

Display result on client terminal.

B) Write a java program using applet for bouncing ball, for each bounce color of ball

should change randomly.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a program in C# .Net to create a function for the sum of two numbers.

B) Write a VB.NET program to create teacher table (Tid, TName, subject) Insert the

 records (Max: 5). Search record of a teacher whose name is “Seeta” and display result.



Slip: 4

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a Java Program to delete details of students whose initial character of their

name is ‘S’.

B) Write a SERVLET program that provides information about a HTTP request from a

client, such as IP address and browser type. The servlet also provides information about

the server on which the servlet is running, such as the operating system type, and the

names of currently loaded servlets.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Design a form to pick a date from DateTimePicker Control and display day,

month and year in separate text boxes.

B) Create a web application to insert 3 records inside the SQL database table having

following fields ( DeptId, DeptName, EmpName, Salary). Update the salary for any one

employee and increment it to 15% of the present salary. Perform delete operation on

one row of the database table.



Slip: 5

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a JSP program to calculate sum of first and last digit of a given number.

Display sum in Red Color with font size 18.

B) Write a java program in multithreading using applet for Traffic signal.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

 A) Write a VB.NET program to accept a character from keyboard and check whether it

 is vowel or consonant. Also display the case of that character.

B) Design a web application form in ASP.Net having loan amount, interest rate and

duration fields. Calculate the simple interest and perform necessary validation i.e.

Ensures data has been entered for each field. Checking for non-numeric value. Assume

suitable web-form controls and perform necessary validation.


Slip: 6

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a java program to blink image on the Frame continuously.

B) Write a SERVLET program which counts how many times a user has visited a web

 page. If user is visiting the page for the first time, display a welcome message. If the

 user is revisiting the page, display the number of times visited. (Use Cookie)


Q.2Dot Net Framework:

A) Write ASP.Net program that displays the names of some flowers in two columns.

Bind a label to the RadioButtonList so that when the user selects an option from the list

and clicks on a button, the label displays the flower selected by the user.


B) Write a VB.NET program to create movie table (Mv_Name, Release_year,

Director). Insert the records (Max: 5). Delete the records of movies whose release year

is 2022 and display appropriate message in message box.



Slip: 7

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a JSP script to validate given E-Mail ID.

B) Write a Multithreading program in java to display the number’s between 1 to 100

 continuously in a TextField by clicking on button. (use Runnable Interface).


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a ASP.Net program to accept a number from the user in a textbox control and

throw an exception if the number is not a perfect number. Assume suitable controls on

the web form.

B) Write a VB.NET program to create a table student (Roll No, SName, Class,City).

Insert the records (Max: 5). Update city of students to ‘Pune’ whose city is ‘Mumbai’

and display updated records in GridView.



Slip: 8

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a Java Program to display all the employee names whose initial character of a

 name is ‘A’.

B) Write a java program in multithreading using applet for Digital watch.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) List of employees is available in listbox. Write ASP.Net application to add

selected or all records from listbox to Textbox (assume multi-line property of textbox is


B) Write a c#.Net program for multiplication of matrices.



Slip: 9

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a Java Program to create a Emp (ENo, EName, Sal) table and insert record

into it. (Use PreparedStatement Interface)

B) Write a JSP program to create an online shopping mall. User must be allowed to do

purchase from two pages. Each page should have a page total. The third page should

display a bill, which consists of a page total of whatever the purchase has been done

and print the total. (Use Session)


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a Menu driven program in C#.Net to perform following functionality:

Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction, Division.

B) Create an application in ASP.Net that allows the user to enter a number in the

textbox named "getnum". Check whether the number in the textbox "getnum" is

palindrome or not. Print the message accordingly in the label control named lbldisplay

when the user clicks on the button "check".



Slip: 10

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a java Program in Hibernate to display “Hello world” message.

B) Write a SERVLET program to display the details of Product (ProdCode, PName,

Price) on the browser in tabular format. (Use database)


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a program that demonstrates the use of primitive data types in C#. The

 program should also support the type conversion of :

Integer to String

String to Integer

 B) Write ASP.Net program to connect to the master database in SQL Server in the

 Page_Load event. When the connection is established, the message “Connection has

 been established” should be displayed in a label in the form .


Slip: 11

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a java program to display IPAddress and name of client machine.

B) Write a Java program to display sales details of Product (PID, PName, Qty, Rate,

Amount) between two selected dates. (Assume Sales table is already created).


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a ASP.Net program that gets user input such as the user name, mode of

payment, appropriate credit card. After the user enters the appropriate values the

Validation button validates the values entered.

B) Write C# program to make a class named Fruit with a data member to calculate the

number of fruits in a basket. Create two other class named Apples and Mangoes to

calculate the number of apples and mangoes in the basket. Display total number of

fruits in the basket.



Slip: 12

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a java program to count the number of records in a table.

B) Write a program in java which will show lifecycle (creation, sleep, and dead) of a

thread. Program should print randomly the name of thread and value of sleep time. The

name of the thread should be hard coded through constructor. The sleep time of a thread

will be a random integer in the range 0 to 4999.



Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write ASP.Net program that displays a button in green color and it should change

into yellow when the mouse moves over it.

B) Write a VB.NET program to create player table (PID, PName, Game,

no_of_matches). Insert records and update number of matches of ‘Rohit Sharma’ and

display result in data grid view.



Slip: 13

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a java program to display name of currently executing Thread in


B) Write a JSP program to display the details of College (CollegeID, Coll_Name,

Address) in tabular form on browser.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a program for blinking an image.

B) Write a C# Program to accept and display ‘n’ student’s details such as Roll. No,

Name, marks in three subjects, using class. Display percentage of each student.


Slip: 14

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a JSP program to accept Name and Age of Voter and check whether he is

eligible for voting or not.

B) Write a Java program to display given extension files from a specific directory on

 server machine.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a program in C#.Net to find the sum of all elements of the array.

B) Write a C#.Net Program to define a class Person having members –name, address.

Create a subclass called employee with member staffed, salary. Create ‘n’ objects of the

Employee class and display all the details of the Employee.


Slip: 15

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a java program to display each alphabet after 2 seconds between ‘a’ to ‘z’.


B) Write a Java program to accept the details of Student (RNo, SName, Per, Gender,

Class) and store into the database. (Use appropriate Swing Components and

PreparedStatement Interface).


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write ASP.Net application to create a user control that contains a list of colors. Add

a button to the Web Form which when clicked changes the color of the form to the

color selected from the list.

B) Write a C#.Net Program to accept and display ‘n’ customer’s details such as

customer_no, Name, address ,itemno, quantity price . Display total price of all item.



Slip: 16

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a JSP script to accept username and password from user, if they are same then

display “Login Successfully” message in Login.html file, otherwise display “Login

Failed” Message in Error.html file.

B) Write a Java program to accept the details of students (rno, sname, per) at least 5

Records, store it into database and display the details of student having highest

percentage. (Use PreparedStatement Interface)


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write ASP.Net program to create a user control that receives the user name and

password from the user and validates them. If the user name is "DYP" and the password

is "Pimpri", then the user is authorized, otherwise not.


B) Define a class supplier with fields – sid, name, address, pincode. Write a C#.Net

Program to accept the details of ‘n’ suppliers and display it.



Slip: 17

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a java program to accept a String from user and display each vowel from a

String after 3 seconds.

B) Write a Java program to check whether given file is present on server or not, if it is

 there then display its contents on client’s terminal otherwise display the message “File

 Not Found”.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a C#.Net application to display the vowels from a given String.

B) Write a VB.NET program to accept the details of product (PID, PName,

expiry_date, price). Store it into the database and display it on data grid view.



Slip: 18

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a java program to calculate factorial of a number. (Use sleep () method).

B) Write a java program for simple standalone chatting application.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a VB.NET program to accept a number from user through input box and

display its multiplication table into the list box.

B) Write ASP.Net program containing the following controls:

• ListBox

• Button

• Image

• Label

The listbox is used to list items available in a store. When the user clicks on an

item in the listbox, its image is displayed in the image control. When the user clicks the

button, the cost of the selected item is displayed in the control.


Slip: 19

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a JSP program which accept UserName in a TextBox and greets the user

according to the time on server machine.

B) Write a Java program to display first record from student table (rno, sname, per)

onto the TextFields by clicking on button. (Assume Student table is already created).


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a VB.NET program to check whether enter string is palindrome or not.

B) "How is the book ASP.NET with C# by Wrox publication?"

 Give the user three choices :

 i)Good ii)Satisfactory iii)Bad.

Provide a VOTE button. After user votes, present the result in percentage using labels

next to the choices.


Slip: 20

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a JDBC program to delete the details of given employee (ENo EName

Salary). Accept employee ID through command line.

B) Write a java program in multithreading using applet for drawing temple.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a VB.NET program to generate Sample Tree View control.

B) Write a Web application in ASP.Net that generates the “IndexOutOfRange”

exception when a button is clicked. Instead of displaying the above exception, it

redirects the user to a custom error page. All the above should be done with the trace

for the page being enabled.


Slip: 21

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a java program to display name and priority of a Thread.

B) Write a SERVLET program in java to accept details of student (SeatNo,

Stud_Name, Class, Total_Marks). Calculate percentage and grade obtained and display

details on page.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a VB.NET program to accept sentences in text box and count the number of

words and display the count in message box.

B) Write ASP.Net application for the following:

 1. Create a table EMP(eno, ename, edesignation, salary, joindate)

 2. Insert a Record.

 3. Update a record



Slip: 22

A) Write a java program to display Date and Time of Server machine on client machine.

B) Write a JSP program to accept the details of Account (ANo, Type, Bal) and store it

into database and display it in tabular form.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a program in C# to create a function to swap the values of two integers.

B) Write a program to design the following form; it contains the three menus

Color (Red, Blue, and Green), Window (Maximize, Minimize, and Restore) and Exit.

On Selection of any menu or submenu result should affect the form control( for

example if user selected Red color from Color menu back color of form should get

changed to Red and if user selected Maximize from Window Menu then form should

get maximized).



Slip: 23

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a Java Program to display the details of College(CID, CName, address, Year)

on JTable.

B) Write a SERVLET application to accept username and password, search them into

database, if found then display appropriate message on the browser otherwise display

error message.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a program in C# to create a function to display the n terms of Fibonacci


B) Create the application in ASP.Net that accepts name, password ,age , email id, and

user id. All the information entry is compulsory. Password should be reconfirmed. Age

should be within 21 to 30. Email id should be valid. User id should have at least a

capital letter and digit as well as length should be between 7 and 20 characters.

Slip: 24

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Create a JSP page to accept a number from a user and display it in words:

Example: 123 – One Two Three. The output should be in red color.

B) Write a menu driven program in Java for the following: Assume Emp table with

attributes ( ENo, EName, salary, Desg ) is already created.

1. Insert

2. Update

3. Delete

4. Search

5. Display

6. Exit.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a program in C#.Net to create a function to check whether a number is prime or


B) Write a VB.NET program to create Author table (aid, aname, book_ name). Insert the

records (Max 5). Delete a record of author who has written “VB.NET book” and

display remaining records on the data grid view. (Use MS Access to create db.)



Slip: 25

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a Java program to accept a number through client terminal, send it to the

Server, Server calculates its factors and sends it to the client.

B) Write a Java Program for the following: Assume database is already created.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a program in C#.Net to create a function to calculate the sum of the individual

digits of a given number.

B) Create a Web Application in ASP.Net to display all the Empname and Deptid of the

employee from the database using SQL source control and bind it to GridView.

Database fields are(DeptId, DeptName, EmpName, Salary).

Create Table Alter Table Drop Table Type Your DDL Query  Here


Slip: 26

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a java program to display list of college names from college table. (Assume

College table (CID, CName, addr) is already created.


B) Write a SERVLET program to Design an HTML page containing 4 option buttons

(Painting, Drawing, Singing and swimming) and 2 buttons reset and submit. When the

user clicks submit, the server responds by adding cookie containing the selected hobby

and sends the HTML page to the client. Program should not allow duplicate cookies to

be written.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A). Write a program in C#.Net to create a recursive function to find the factorial of a

given number

B) Write a ASP.Net program to create a Login Module which adds Username and

Password in the database. Username in the database should be a primary key.



Slip: 27

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a JSP script to accept the details of Teacher (TID, TName, Desg, Subject ,

Qualification) and display it on the browser. Use appropriate controls for accepting data.

B) Write a Java Program for the implementation of scrollable ResultSet. Assume

Teacher table with attributes (TID, TName, Salary, Subject) is already created.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a program in C#.Net to find the length of a string.

B) Create a web application in ASP.Net which may have a textbox. Now user must type

some data into it, the data he can enter is only 255 characters. After he crosses the limit

then the last word should not by typed and at the same time color of textbox

should be red.



Slip: 28

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a java program for the implementation of synchronization.

B) Write a Java program to design a following screen: Select Emp No

If user selects EmpNo from Choice component then details of selected employee must

be displayed in JTable.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a program in C#.Net to read n numbers in an array and display it in reverse


B) Write a VB.NET program to create a table Patient (PID, PName, Contact No,

Disease). Insert five records into table and display appropriate message in message box.

ENo EName Salary


Slip: 29

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a java program using multithreading for the following:

1. Display all the odd numbers between 1 to n.

2. Display all the prime numbers between 1 to n.

B) Write a SERVLET program to change inactive time interval of session.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a program in C#.Net to separate the individual characters from a String.

B) Write a VB.NET program to accept the details of customer (CName, Contact No,

Email_id). Store it into the database with proper validation and display appropriate

message by using Message box.



Slip: 30

Q.1. Advanced Java:

A) Write a JSP script to accept a String from a user and display it in reverse order.

B) Write a java program in multithreading using applet for moving car.


Q.2 Dot Net Framework:

A) Write a VB.NET program to design following screen, accept the details from the

user. Clicking on Submit button Net Salary should be calculated and displayed into the

Textbox. Display the Messagebox informing the Name and Net Salary of employee.


B) Write a VB.NET program to accept the details Supplier (SupId, SupName, Phone

No, Address) store it into the database and display it.

Advance Java / Dot Net Framework Advance Java / Dot Net Framework Reviewed by technical_saurabh on April 23, 2022 Rating: 5

1 comment:

Amit kumar said...

Waoo This interview question is so amazing technically.
Here all content so useful and helpful for beginner and experience both.This site is so amazing, This sites gives good knowledge of Advance java ,This is very helpful for me.

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