Savitribai Public University Operating System MCQ | SPPU Operating System MCQ | Management

 Operating System

Operating System

1. Which of the following is not an operating system?

a. Windows

b. Linux

c. DB2

d. Mac

Answer :  c. DB2


2. What is meant by boot?

a. Installing a software

b. Restarting compute scanning program

c. scanning program

d. Turn off computer

Answer : b. Restarting compute scanning program


3. Which is the linux operating system?

a. Private operating system

b. Windows operating system

c. Open source operating system

d. None of these

Answer :  c. Open source operating system


4. Which is single user single tasking operating system?

a. Windows

b. Linux

c. Dos

d. Mac OS

Answer :  c. Dos


5. To access services of operating system, the interface provided is ____

a. API

b. GUI

c. System calls

d. High level instructions

Answer : c. System calls


6. Spooling stands for

a. Simultaneous peripheral operations online

b. Spontaneous peripheral operations online

c. Serial peripheral operations online

d. None of the above

Answer :  a. Simultaneous peripheral operations online


7. In Layered operating system which is the highest level?

a. Hardware

b. User Interface

c. Kernel

d. None of Above

Answer :  b. User Interface


8.  What is the another name used for command line interpreter?

a. Shell

b. Kernel

c. command

d. prompt

Answer :  c. command


9. Which system call is used for creating a file?

a. Read

b. Write

c. Open

d. Close

Answer :  c. Open


10. Which system call does not return control to calling point on termination?

a. fork

b. exec

c. wait

d. exit

Answer :  b. exec


11. A fork system call will fail if ________

a. The previously executed statement is also fork call

b. The limit on maximum no of processes in system would be executed

c. The limit on minimum no of processes in system that can under execution

d. All of above

Answer :  b. The limit on maximum no of processes in system would be executed


12. A process is more than program code, which is sometimes known as______

a. text section

b. contents of processor registers

c. stack

d. data section

Answer :  a. text section


13. When process gets executes is changes its state, the process may be in one of the following states.

a. new

b. running

c. waiting

d. ready

Answer :  d. ready


14. Which of the following stage defines “the process is waiting for some other event  to occur”?

a. ready

b. running

c. waiting

d. terminated

Answer :  c. waiting


15. In operating systems each process is represented by_______.

a. print dialog box

b. process control block

c. program control box

d. process command box

Answer :  b. process control block


16. The address of next instruction to be executed for the current process is stored in _____

a. CPU registers

b. Program registers

c. stack pointers

d. program counter

Answer :  d. program counter


17. The objective of multiprogramming is ______

1. to have running some processes all the time

2. to execute single process at a time

3. to minimize the cpu utilization

4. to maximize the cpu utilization

a. 1,2

b. 1,3

c. 1,4

d. none of above

Answer :  c. 1,4


18. The process which is ready to execution and residing  in main memory is kept in ___

a.  device queue

b. processor queue

c. ready queue

d. job queue

Answer :  c. ready queue


19. Which among following is true for short term scheduler?

1.  select form among the processes that are ready to execute and allocate cpu to them.

2. select process form mass storage device and loads them into memory for execution.

3. short term scheduler must select new process for cpu

4. it executes less frequently.

a. 1 only

b. 2 and 3 only

c. 1,2,4 only

d. 1,3

Answer :  d. 1,3


20. copying process from memory to disk to allow space for other process is called.

a. dead lock

b. swapping

c. shifting

d. copying

Answer :  b. swapping


21. PCB does not contain following

a. code

b. stack

c. data

d. bootstrap program

Answer :  d. bootstrap program


22. Which of the following is used as synchronization tool?

a. thread

b. pipe

c. semaphore

d. socket

Answer : c. semaphore


23. Which of the following is not a scheduler type?

a. short term scheduler

b. medium term scheduler

c. block scheduler

d. long term scheduler

Answer :  c. block scheduler


24. Process in main memory which is ready and waiting to execute is kept in

a. process queue

b. ready queue

c. schedule

d. dispatcher

Answer : a. process queue


25. the time interval form time of submission of  submission of a process to completion of time is called as

a. completion time

b. turnaround time

c. waiting time

d. none of above

Answer : b. turnaround time


26. The unit of measurement of work of CPU is called as

a. latency

b. delay

c. throughput

d. context switch

Answer : c. throughput


27. In priority scheduling the process is allocated with

a. low priority

b.  high priority

c. equal priority

d.  extra priority

Answer : b.  high priority


28.  Which scheduling technique applies time quantum?

a. SJF


c. Round Robin

d. Priority

Answer : c. Round Robin


29. In multilevel feedback queue algorithm

a. a process can move to different classified ready queue

b.  processes are not classified into different groups

c.  classification of ready queue is not permanent

d.  process is upgraded

Answer : a. a process can move to different classified ready queue


30. Which of the following processes can get affected by other process executing in the system ?

a. child process

b. parent process

c. independent process

d. co operating process

Answer : d. co operating process


31. when process is executing in critical section, no other process can execute in critical section, this condition is called?

a. critical section

b. logical section

c. mutual exclusion

d. non mutual exclusion

Answer : c. mutual exclusion


32. Amongst the following which can be considered as synchronization tool?

a. socket

b. mutex

c. semaphore

d. thread

Answer : c. semaphore


33. select the correct statement regarding mutex lock to prevent race condition.

1. A process must acquire the lock before entering critical section.

2. A process need to acquire the lock before entering critical section

3. It releases the lock when it exits the critical section .

4. A process must acquire the lock when it exists critical section.

a. 1,4

b. 2,4

c. 2,3

d. 1,3

Answer : d. 1,3


34. In the spinlocks

a. no context switch is required when a process must wait on a lock

b. locks are expected to be held for short times

c. employed on multiprocessor systems

d. all of above

Answer : d. all of above


35. Indefinite blocking or starvation is problem related with

a. mutex locks

b. deadlocks

c. spinlocks

d. none of the above

Answer : b. deadlocks


36. which of the following is not classical problem of synchronization?

a. reader writer problem

b. bounder buffer problem

c. dining philosopher problem

d. customer employer problem

Answer : d. customer employer problem


37.  A semaphore is a shared integer variable that can not

a. go beyond zero

b. more than zero

c. it can not more then 1

d. none of above

Answer : a. go beyond zero


38. process synchronization can be done with following levels.

a. hardware

b. software

c. both

d. none of above

Answer : c. both


39. Dead lock can be avoided by

a. resource allocation must be done at once

b. there must be fixed number of resources to allocate

c.  all deadlocked processes must be aborted

d. inversion technique can be used.

Answer : b. there must be fixed number of resources to allocate


40. which is not part of critical section

a. entry section

b.  critical section

c. exit section

d.  waiting section

Answer : d.  waiting section


41. what is a reusable resource?

a. that can be used by one process at a time and is not depleted by that use.

b.  that can be used by more than one process at a time.

c. that can be shared between various threads.

d.  non of the mentioned.

Answer : a. that can be used by one process at a time and is not depleted by that use.


42. which of the following condition is required for a deadlock to be possible?

a. mutual exclusion

b.  a process may hold allocated resources while awaiting assignment of other resources.

c.  no resource can be forcibly removed from a process holding it.

d.  all of the mentioned.

Answer : d.  all of the mentioned.


43. A system is in the safe sequence.

a. the system can allocate resources to each process in some order and still avoid a deadlock.

b.  there exist a safe sequence.

c. all of the mentioned

d.  none of the mentioned

Answer : a. the system can allocate resources to each process in some order and still avoid a deadlock.


44. The circular wait condition can be prevented by

a. defining a linear ordering of resource types

b.  using thread

c. using pipes

d.  all of the mentioned

Answer : a. defining a linear ordering of resource types


45. Which one of the following is the deadlock avoidance algorithm?

a. banker’s algorithm

b.  round-robin algorithm

c. elevator algorithm

d.  Karn’s  algorithm

Answer : a. banker’s algorithm


46. What is the drawback of banker’s algorithm?

a. in advance processes rarely know how much resource they will need.

b.  the number of processes changes as time progresses

c. resource once available can disappear.

d.  all of the mentioned

Answer : d.  all of the mentioned


47. For an effective operating system, when to check for deadlock?

a. every time  a resource request is made.

b.  at fixed time intervals.

c. every time a resource request is made at fixed time intervals.

d.  none of the mentioned.

Answer : c. every time a resource request is made at fixed time intervals.


48. A problem encountered in multitasking when a process is perpetually denied necessary resources is called.

a. deadlock

b.  starvation

c. inversion

d.  aging

Answer : b.  starvation


49. Which one of the following is a visual (mathematical) way to determine the deadlock occurrence?

a. resource allocation graph

b.  starvation graph

c. inversion graph

d.  none of the mentioned

Answer : a. resource allocation graph


50. To avoid dead lock____.

a. there must be a fixed number of resources to allocate.

b.  resource allocation must be done only once.

c. all deadlocked processes must be aborted.

d.  inversion technique can be used.

Answer : a. there must be a fixed number of resources to allocate.


51. in which of the following page replacement policies Belady’s anomaly occurs?


b. OPT

c. MFU

d.  program status word

Answer : a. FIFO


52. ______ allocates the largest hole(Free fragment) available in the memory.

a. Best fit

b. Worse Fit

c. First fit

d.   None of the above

Answer : b. Worse Fit


53. Which one of the following is the address generated by CPU?

a. physical address

b. absolute address

c.  logical address

d.  none of the mentioned.

Answer : c.  logical address


54. Run time mapping form virtual to physical address is done by _____.

a. Memory management unit

b. CPU

c. PCI

d. None of the mentioned

Answer : a. Memory management unit


55. Memory management technique in which system stores and retrieves data from secondary storage for use in main memory is called?

a. fragmentation

b. paging

c. mapping

d. none of the mentioned

Answer : b. paging


56. The address of a page table in memory is pointed by________

a. stack pointer

b. page table base register

c.  page register

d.  program counter

Answer : b. page table base register


57.  Program always  deals with

a. logical address

b. absolute address

c. physical address

d.  relative address

Answer : a. logical address


58.  The page table contains

a. base address of each page in physical memory

b.  page offset

c. page size

d.  none of the mentioned

Answer : a. base address of each page in physical memory


59.  what is compaction ?

a. a technique for overcoming internal fragmentation.

b. a paging technique.

c. a technique

d. a technique for overcoming external fragmentation.

Answer : c. a technique


60. Operating system maintains the page table for_____

a. each process

b. each thread

c. each instruction

d.  each address

Answer : a. each process

Savitribai Public University Operating System MCQ | SPPU Operating System MCQ | Management Savitribai Public University Operating System MCQ | SPPU Operating System MCQ | Management Reviewed by technical_saurabh on May 28, 2021 Rating: 5

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