Savitribai Phule Pune University T.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.) Python Practical Slip 6 Answers

   Write a Python program

Slip 6 A) Write python script using package to calculate area and volume of cube and sphere

Answer :


radian = float(input('Radius of sphere: '))

sur_area = 4 * pi * radian **2

volume = (4/3) * (pi * radian ** 3)

print("Surface Area is: ", sur_area)

print("Volume is: ", volume)

# Python3 code to find area

# and total surface area of cube

def areaCube( a ):

    return (a * a * a)


def surfaceCube( a ):

    return (6 * a * a)


a = 5

print("Area =", areaCube(a))

print("Total surface area =", surfaceCube(a))

Output :


Slip 6 B) Write a Python GUI program to create a label and change the label font style (font name, bold, size). Specify separate check button for each style.

Answer :

from tkinter import *

import tkinter as tk


window = tk.Tk()

window.title('My Window')



l = tk.Label(window, bg='white', width=20, text='Hello')



def print_selection():


    if(var1.get() == 0) & (var2.get() == 0) & (var3.get() == 0):


    elif (var1.get() == 1):

        l.config(text="Hello", font=("Arial"))

    elif (var2.get() == 1):

        l.config(text="Hello", font=("Arial Bold",20))

    elif (var3.get() == 1):

        l.config(text="Hello", font=("Arial", 70))


        l.config(text="Hello", font=("Arial Bold", 70))


var1 = tk.IntVar()

var2 = tk.IntVar()

var3 = tk.IntVar()

c1 = tk.Checkbutton(window, text='Font Style',variable=var1, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, command=print_selection)


c2 = tk.Checkbutton(window, text='Bold',variable=var2, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, command=print_selection)


c3 = tk.Checkbutton(window, text='Size = 70',variable=var3, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, command=print_selection)




Output :

Savitribai Phule Pune University T.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.) Python Practical Slip 6 Answers Savitribai Phule Pune University T.Y.B.B.A.(C.A.) Python Practical Slip 6 Answers Reviewed by technical_saurabh on December 31, 2021 Rating: 5

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