No. |
Assignment Name |
Date |
Remark |
Sign |
1 |
Array & String |
1. Accept
String in form and display count of vowels & occurrence of each vowels. |
2. Write a menu
driven PHP program to perform the
following operations on an associative array. |
2 |
Function & Objects |
1. Write PHP script to define an interface having area()
and volume() method. Create a Cylinder class
that implement interface and calculate area and volume of it. |
2. Create
class employee, derive emp_acc from it and
emp_sal from emp-acc. And perform following menu driven options. |
3 |
Working with Forms |
1.Write php script to implement calculator to
convert distances between (both ways) miles
& km. |
4 |
Storing & Protecting
Data |
1.Write a PHP script to keep track of number of
times the web page has been accessed. |
5 |
MySQL Database |
Consider the following entities and their
relationships Doctor &
Hospital(M-M) .Write a PHP
script which accepts hospital name and print information about doctors
visiting / working in that hospital in tabular format. |
Assignment No: 1 Array & String
Write a PHP script for the following: Design a form to
accept a string. Write a function to count the total number of vowels
(a,e,i,o,u) from the string. Show the occurrences of each vowel from the
string. Check whether the given string is a palindrome or not, without using
built-in function. (Use radio buttons and the concept of function. Use
‘include’ construct or require stmt.)
2. Write a menu driven
PHP program to perform the following operations on an associative array:
Display the elements
of an array along with the keys.
Display the size of an array.
Delete an element
from an array from the given index.
iv.Reverse the order
of each element’s key-value pair.[Hint: use array_flip()]
v. v. Traverse the elements in an array in random order [[Hint: use shuffle()].
Assignment No: 3 Working with Forms
Assignment No: 4 Storing & Protecting Data
1. Write a PHP script to keep track of numberof times the web page has been accessed.
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