PHP Assignment INDEX

php assignment



Assignment Name





Array & String





1. Accept String in form and display count of vowels & occurrence of each vowels.





2. Write a menu driven PHP program to perform the following operations on an associative array.





Function & Objects





1. Write PHP script to define an interface having area() and volume() method. Create a Cylinder class that implement interface and calculate area and volume of it.





2. Create class employee, derive emp_acc from it and emp_sal from emp-acc. And perform following menu driven options.





Working with Forms





1.Write php script to implement calculator to convert distances between (both ways) miles & km.





Storing & Protecting Data





1.Write a PHP script to keep track of number of times the web page has been accessed.





MySQL Database





Consider the following entities and their relationships Doctor & Hospital(M-M) .Write a PHP script which accepts hospital name and print information about doctors visiting / working in that hospital in tabular format.




Assignment No: 3 Working with Forms

1. Implement calculator to convertdistances between (both ways) miles and kilometres. One mile is about 1.609kilometres. User interface (distance.html) has one text-input, tworadio-buttons, submit and reset -buttons. Values are posted to PHP-script(distance.php) which calculates the conversions according the user input

Assignment No: 4 Storing & Protecting Data

1. Write a PHP script to keep track of numberof times the web page has been accessed.

Assignment No: 5 MySQL

1. Consider the following entities and their relationships Doctor (doc_no, doc_name, address, city, area) Hospital (hosp_no, hosp_name, hosp_city) Doctor and Hospital are related with many-many relationship. Create a RDB in 3 NF for the above and solve following Using above database, write a PHP script which accepts hospital name and print information about doctors visiting / working in that hospital in tabular format.

PHP Assignment INDEX PHP Assignment  INDEX Reviewed by technical_saurabh on December 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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