Assignment 4 : Functions, Class, and Object


Assignment  4 :   Functions, Class, and Object 

1. Write a PHP Script to display a maximum of two numbers.

Practice Programs:


1. Write a PHP script to calculate the area and volume of a cylinder using a function.

Answer :

2. Write a PHP Script to display the sum and average of array elements(Using predefined functions) 

Answer : 

3. Write a PHP script to calculate the factorial of a number using a function.

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1. Write a PHP script to calculate x y using a function.

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2. Write a PHP script to define a function Even Odd, which will display even and odd numbers between 1 to 50.

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3. Write a PHP script to define a function Maximum, which will accept 3 numbers as parameters and returns a maximum of 3 numbers.

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4. Write a PHP script to swap two numbers using a function (Use Call by value and Call by reference)

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1. Write a PHP Script to create a class Fruit that contains data members as Name, Color and Price. Write a member function to accept and display details of Fruit.

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2. Write a PHP Script to create a class Student that contains data members as Roll_Number, Stud_Name, and Percentage. Write member functions to accept Student information.

Answer :


3. Write a PHP Script to create a class Book (Book_id, Book_name, Publication, Author, Book_price). Write a member function to accept and display Book details.

Answer :


1. Write a PHP script to define a function “DisplayDay”, which will display the day of the current date.

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2. Write a PHP script to perform arithmetic operations on two numbers. Write a PHP function to display the result. (Use the concept of function and default parameters)

Answer :

Assignment 4 : Functions, Class, and Object Assignment  4 :   Functions, Class, and Object Reviewed by technical_saurabh on March 18, 2021 Rating: 5

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